Dari Hati Ladybosz

Bicara dari hati Dato' Sri Rozita Ramelan

Start the day positive


Not always... No matter how I love my morning to be positive, energetic,  full of inspiration and hope, we are human being. Waking up happy and excited isn't easy for most of us. There are a lot of articles to give us tips to start  your day with positive attitude. My life is as busy as it gets. I run...

Ramadan Datang Lagi!


Ramadan Datang Lagi! Selamat datang bulan Ramadan! Semoga bulan suci ini membawa berkah, kedamaian dan kebahagiaan untuk kita semua. Marilah kita manfaatkan setiap masa untuk berdoa, berbuat baik dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Kami di Ladybosz mengucapkan 'Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadan Yang Mulia Ini'... Semoga kita semua dirahmati Allah SWT...Amin

Five ways I save myself from toxic people


To me, the single biggest obstacle to success is negative thinking. We all strive for happiness but too often we let other people and their negativity affect us, and we eventually become a victim of circumstance. Ask yourself, "What makes you happy the most?" You will not find happiness in material things like wealth, fame, power or beauty. You can...